Cygryn - Heavy Infantry - Modular Kit (Guard Scale)
Cygryns are a Heavy infantry unit that can wield an array of melee and ranged weaponry to aid your standard infantry (or join a command squad).
- this kit comes with
- 1 Torso
- 1 shoulder pad style
- 6 leg poses
- 5 standard arm cannons
- 5 Grenadier gauntlet arms
- 5 Gun arms
- 4 Generic arms
- 20 melee Arms (4 styles)
- 4 Shield arm poses
- 1 wrist blade
~ This kit will be updated later to include: a heavy armor torso (possibly legs too), a heavy armor shoulder pad, I will also do pre-supports. When those are released the kit will go from 12$ usd to 16$ usd
UPDATE 1 - Added generic arms and gun arms
Currently not pre-supported
419 MB
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